Made for the Scratch Jam #17


  • WASD or Arrow keys to move player around (A bit slippery btw)
  • Space or Left mouse button to fire bullets
  • Complete the objectives at the bottom so that the border increase size (instantly)
  • Shoot lemons to gain score
  • You can collide with lemons to deal 3 health and gain 2 scores, and sacrifice some of your health because lemons have body damage too.
  • The border shrink 0.8 every frame

Every time you complete 5 objectives, you unlock a new wave. There are:

  • Wave 1 - The Normal: Big, medium, small yellow lemon and nothing else except the lemon can wrap edge to edge.
  • Wave 2 - The Drunk: This lemon is orange, a bit smaller than normal one, move faster, more health, deal more body damage, has a 1/3 chance of spawning
  • Final wave - The you-are-coming-down-with-me ( AKA Boomgonza lemon): Much like the normal lemon with slower turn and purple skin and faster speed (not as fast as drunk), but every time you killed the big purple lemon, it shoot a fast, small, green lemon (AKA the poison) in 4 directions. When you collide with the poison lemon, it disappear and your score decrease by 10 and if your health is above 20, you lose 50% of your health. Poison lemons' health is 15. Boomgonza lemons has a 1/3 chance of spawning.

Main thing in this game

  • You automatically died when the size of the border is < 30, even if it's still space left
  • If you touch the border, you get bounce off and -10 health
  • Green lemons doesn't spawn natrually
  • The objective text flash purple for a split second and changes immediately when you complete one.
  • Press O to see how many objectives you've completed (reset after wave increase)
  • Press K to see what wave you're in
  • Every wave the lemon spawn delay decrease by 1 second.
  • Better not mess with the Boomgonza's
  • that's all i guess lol

yeah it gots some bugs but i just don't care that much

based mostly on griffpatch's lemonoid tutorial but i do modified it



Limited 'space' - html edition 29 MB
Limited 'space' - exe edition 114 MB


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